October 25, 2019 Silvia Bess

Art-therapy project at blacklight-theater “MOTTE”

During the holidays (from the 07th to the 11th of october), there was an art-therapy project for children of HonigHelden! in cooperation with the blacklight-theater of „MOTTE – Verein für stadtteilbezogene Kultur- und Sozialarbeit e.V.“ in Hamburg/Ottensen. Six children were making their own puppets, learned how to deal with blacklight – and with each other and developed a sense of themselfes as well as for the group-dynamics, so they got a feeling of a save environment. There was a lot of laughter, games, and space for trying something new. In the end, they made a show for their parents and friends. There were much more people in the audience than they expected and the applause and shouts of joy didn´s seem to end. I was so very touched by all the sympathy and the enthusiasm that came from the audience towards the children and their show.


Photos by @s.ballone.photography