

The war between the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and the Ugandan army (1987-2006) was one of the longest conflicts in Africa. During the war, about 35,000 children were forcibly recruited as soldiers, almost 90% of the population fled their villages and lived in refugee camps until 2006.
Since the 2006 ceasefire agreement was signed, the situation has improved very little. Today, the country is shaped by the 1.7 million war refugees who fled South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo to Uganda.

The poverty rate is the highest in the country and many families show severe mental impairment as a result of the traumatic experiences of more than 20 years of war and displacement. The lack of prospects especially affects the young people – more than 50% of the population are younger than 15 years of age.
Since 2009 CHILDREN FOR TOMORROW operates a project in Kampala, in the North of Uganda. In cooperation with the local hospital, traumatized children and their families receive treatment in individual and group therapies, with outreach programs in camps and schools as well as further education for teaching staff and therapists.